Our golf balls are biodegradable and contain fish food in the core. Within 48 hours of the balls hitting the water, the marine life can start feasting on the food. After 28 days the balls completely biodegrade, and nothing is left apart from some incredibly happy fish.

Our unique product now has customers in more than 50 countries such as the Seychelles, UAE, Maldives, Ireland, Norway, Vietnam, and the United States. We provide EcoBioBalls for eager golfers to play the unique ocean fairways throughout Asia and Australia.

We believe that golf, and life, should be about freedom, fun, sport, sustainability, and lots of unique experiences. It is not about dress codes and rules. Our dream is to give thousands of people the chance to blast onto the widest, kindest fairways all over Asia while feeding fish.

We lead with commitment to quality and consistency across all aspects of our work, with a passion for the environment, and for transforming that passion into exciting and fun experiences for resorts, yachts, beach clubs and more!